Getting back on track with Solis Nutritional Blends

Getting back on track with Solis Nutritional Blends | My Fabulous Boobies

*Disclosure: I received a sample of the products to test for my review. The thoughts and opinions in this article are my own. This post contains affiliate links and will earn a commission if you use them to make a purchase.*

The confession: I'm not eating well enough.

You ever just feel icky? Out of sorts? Just generally blah? *deep sigh* I feel this way a little too often I think.

Ever since my diagnosis, I know that it is in my best interest to be diligent about nutrition. That I should drink more water and no soda. That I should eat whole, fresh and organic foods as often as possible. And that I should limit my consumption of caffeine, sugar, salt, high fat and highly processed foods.

I know all of this. And I know why. But... I keep falling off the good food wagon. And each time I fall too far to the dark side... my body rebels and lets me know that I'm not taking good care of it.

(Is that old age? Bleah...)

I've been slipping a lot lately. Eating a lot of junk food, processed foods, fast foods... yep. All of it. I've been drinking sodas and my daily coffee habit is in full swing.

(Shhhh... I had McDonalds twice last week. Don't tell anyone though.)

In return for the way that I've been fueling myself, my body is in a flat out rebellious state right now. My skin is dry and terrible looking. My tummy is bloated and constantly upset. My lymphedema has been flaring up, and I feel pretty sluggish. I feel terrible and it is my own fault.

Getting back on track with Solis Nutritional Blends | My Fabulous Boobies

The resolution: I'm getting back on track today! Starting with Solis.

I'm getting it together. I'm making sure that I go to bed at a reasonable hour. Well, more reasonable than I used to. No more all-nighters.

I'm increasing my water intake and being really aware of how often I'm eating fast food and processed foods. The convenience isn't worth all the junk going into my body. Plus, my body really feels better and looks better when I'm eating more whole foods with significant nutritional value.

I'm taking my multi-vitamins daily, giving myself 20 minutes each day to do some light exercise and my lymphatic massage and supplementing my immune system with drinks made with Solis Nutritional Blends. I swapped out some of those cups of coffee with warmed Solis drinks.

Click here to buy the Vanilla Chai. I thought it was tasty.

The review: Not bad... not bad at all. (Not Starbucks though...)

Getting back on track with Solis Nutritional Blends | My Fabulous Boobies

Solis Nutritional Blends are powdered drink mixes that provide supplemental boosts to your immune system. I am typically a coffee and tea type of girl... so I wasn't completely sure what to expect when I tried them. But I was mildly surprised by them. Now, I'll be honest... they don't taste like those delicious over-caffeinated, full of fat and sugar, drinks I normally drink from Starbucks. But, after trying all three flavors, I will admit that they aren't bad.

If you're accustomed to drinking health drinks and supplements, the flavor may not be as surprising for you as it was for me. I preferred the vanilla chai flavor, but the rare chocolate was tasty too. Unfortunately, I really didn't like the mint chocolate too much.

Recommendation: Give it a try. Once you start, you might develop a better-for-you habit.

I  recommend that you give these drink blends a try if you feel the need to put some goodness into your body. Try the sample pack so you can test all three flavors. I used warm milk with the rare chocolate and it wasn't half bad. Similar to hot chocolate but in a good-for-you way. I felt better about drinking this than I did about the coffee with 2 teaspoons of sugar and sweetened creamer that I've been starting my days with these past few weeks.

Have you tried nutritional supplement drinks before? What do you think of them? Let me know in the comments below.

That's all for now. 

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