Breast cancer among friends

Breast cancer among friends | My Fabulous Boobies
We made bald look good. 
This is a collage I created of pictures of me with one of my best friends. We have been friends for a long time -- moving close to two decades now -- and I think she's one of the best people on this whole planet. I'm biased though.

I don't have sisters. Well, I don't have natural sisters. But along the way, God has been really good to me and has provided several women who I consider sisters, even though we don't share a bloodline. I will not put sisters in quotation marks or italics because there is no condition on the way that I feel about any of these women. We are sisters. Period.

When I was going through my breast cancer treatment, my very busy and very accomplished sister moved her world around to be with me every time I asked her to. When I was afraid that I would wake up in the hospital after my mastectomy alone, I asked her to sit with me and hold my hand. And she did. With no hesitation. She even managed to convince my then-boyfriend to come and visit me as well. I was in and out of consciousness thanks to some great anesthesia... but I understand she only had to threaten him a few times to make sure that he showed up.

(smile)  I could never ask for a better sister. She's shorter than me, but she's scrappy. I'm the sensitive weepy emotional one. She's the pragmatic and logical spicy one. We are a serious pair.

My sister-friend is now my pink ribbon sister as well. She has just completed her active treatment and the prognosis is good for her (just as it is good for me). But the crazy thought that even though neither one of us has the breast cancer gene, and technically we aren't really sisters (try to tell my heart that though)... we have shared something that can be passed along gene lines.

1 in 8 women are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

Look at yourself and 8 of your closest friends... one of you may struggle with this disease. In my closest circle, there are already two of us. I pray that we are the only ones. But we've got an expectation of a long life ahead of us... so there are no guarantees. I just hope that she and I have paid the price among our circle of friends.

This post is a reminder to all of you to check your boobies today. 

And if you're over 40, be sure to have a mammogram. A breast self-exam saved my life. A regularly scheduled mammogram saved my sister.

These tools work. Awareness is the first step to taking charge of your health. Boobies are wonderful... why not make sure that you do everything you can to keep yours around?

Get up. Do it now. While I'm looking at you. Well... not exactly but you know what I mean. While its on your mind, just take 10 minutes and care for yourself.

let's connect-brown

(where we discuss the breast cancer life)
(where I discuss any and everything!)
(be inspired, laugh a little, follow my crazy life)

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